Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Drowning in the Sea of Forgetfulness

As we drove to church Sunday morning, "East to West" by Casting Crowns (listen here: East to West) played on the radio. I don't know that I've ever really listened to the first line of the song.  I know the words, I've just never really listened.  "Here I am Lord and I'm drowning, in your sea of forgetfulness..."

Have you ever felt like you're drowning in that sea of forgetfulness? That you know God has forgiven you, thrown your sin so far into the deep that even He can't remember, but you're drowning in that same sea? You can't forget, much less believe that you can change.

I think that sea of forgetfulness is sometimes where we get trapped and then convince ourselves we can't change.  And we're right.  Not one of us can change on our own.  Not one of us can rescue ourselves from drowning in that sea.  But through Jesus, we have our rescue.  Through Jesus our change is not only possible, it's promised.  All we have to do is accept that God has forgiven us, take the life preserver Jesus is throwing out and live daily in the promise that He makes all things new.

If you find your self today drowning in the sea of forgetfulness, reach out!  Take hold of the hand of Jesus and begin to walk in the new.  Begin to walk in the promise that God doesn't remember what's at the bottom of that sea and you don't even have to swim in it...much less drown in it.  Leave behind the guilt and walk in the freedom.  Cling to Jesus as He perfects His work in you.

"There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day that Jesus Christ appears."  Philippians 1:6

Friday, August 5, 2011

Get Out of My Way

Are you a control freak? Most of the time I would tell you I'm not.  And then the truth reveals itself!  Usually not in the prettiest way.

I found myself there earlier this week.  In my determination to control a situation where I was certain I was right, that truth reared its ugly head.  As I stood in my kitchen and prayed for God to "fix" this situation, I heard Him speak.  And to be honest, they weren't the words I wanted to hear, but they were the words I needed to hear.

I felt God ask me if I trusted Him.  Of course, my knee-jerk reaction was a yes.  But then He asked me again if I trust Him.  So I didn't answer this time.  And that's when God whispered to my spirit.  "If you trust me, why are trying to control this? If you trust me, why aren't you leaving this in my hands to care for? If you trust me, you know that I have your best interest at heart."  Ouch!  That whisper brought me to tears.

As I continued to pray, God continued to speak.  And I didn't really like the truth He spoke to me.  But somehow that truth brought such great peace.  I felt God speak to me that if I would get out of His way, He could be more effective than I could ever be in my human efforts to control this.  If I would get out of His way and allow His will to be done, the outcome would be best.  I don't have to be right.  I just have to let go.  I don't have to have my way, I just have to seek His.  And if I'll just stay out of God's way, the plan He has will unfold...without my help.

God, help me to live what I say I believe.  Help me to TRUST you completely.  Not just in the convenient or easy things.  Not just in the things where we're on the same page.  On the things that I don't have an answer for, on the things that are hard, on the things that I can't see the end of - God, help me in those things to let go, to get out of your way and let you have your way.