Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wine, Anyone?

Have you ever thought about the first miracle that Jesus performed? I mean really thought about it.  We all know the story.  Jesus is at a wedding reception and the host runs out of wine.  So Jesus takes water and turns it into wine.  And not just everyday, cheap, wine out of a box, but the best, highest quality wine.  The whole story is in John 2, so if you want to read it, that's where to go.  But I don't want to tell the whole story.  I just want to talk about the miracle.

I don't believe that Jesus ever did anything by chance or without a specific purpose.  So why did Jesus choose turning water into wine at a wedding reception as his first miracle? I mean, after all, this is the man who healed the blind with dirt and spit, stuck his fingers in a deaf man's ears and brought hearing, spoke into a tomb and raised a dead-for-days man from the dead.  Why weren't any of those first? Why was something as seemingly insignificant as wedding wine the first miracle? It's not like Jesus, the Son of God, had to "work up" to something big.  He didn't need to practice a "small" thing or two before moving on to the bigger stuff.

So why? Why wedding wine? Here's what I think.  We don't often in life need the raising-from-the-dead kind of miracle.  Sometimes we need the healing-the-deaf-and-blind kind of miracles.  But most often in life, we need those water-into-wine kind of miracles.  The ones that we ask for in everyday life.  The ones that, if they don't happen, won't have lifelong or life altering effects.  But when they do happen, remind us that Jesus, with all that is lifted to him in prayer, cares about the littlest and most insignificant of our details.

Those water-into-wine kind of miracles are the ones that build our faith, shape our lives and bring us growth.  Those water-into-wine kind of miracles give us tangible things that a skeptical world can find belief in.  Those water-into-wine kind of miracles are the ones that sustain us when we're waiting for the raising-from-the-dead kind of miracle.  Those are the ones that Jesus uses to say, "Be still.  I've got this.  See all of these little things that I've done for you? If I care about those, how much more do I care about this mountain standing in your way? How much more do I care about speaking life into your circumstance? Trust me!"

That story of that first miracle has so much more significance to me now.  Now, when I'm facing the mountain, when the seemingly hopeless circumstance disrupts my life, I think about wine at a wedding.  And I remember that if Jesus cares about that, then my mountain will be moved.


Hclark714 said...

Thank you for this word in due season.... i am smack dab in the middle of a mountain move, and this is right on. Nice insight... Keep it up.

Dana said...

This was wonderful Beth! What I needed to hear! I have a mountain to move and I do believe God can and will move it! He will take care of it!!!
Looking forward to the next one!!!

DMogab said...

As usual, your insight amazes me! This was beautiful. I'm so proud of you!

Gina said...

So true, and it makes sense that the water to wine kind of miracles are the ones that most of us need to sustain our faith. God has given you the gift of writing, I think these could be considered devotions!

Rachel H said...

Good one Beth! I am reminded to stop and notice the water to wine miracles in my life, daily. Thanks for your words.