Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's A Gift

This has been a heavy week. Friends of ours received word that their son, in his early 20's, passed away. As a mom, just the thought of receiving that kind of news makes me feel physically sick. As a friend, my heart breaks and aches for all that this family is facing. These are the times that words simply just fail. And the times that readjust my priorities and my perspective. In the heaviness of this week, I've found myself brought to tears just by the sight of my children. Overwhelmed with thankfulness. Overwhelmed at the thought of doing life without them. Overwhelmed by the realization that I sweat the small stuff too much. Overwhelmed by how short this life is and how much I've missed just being to busy.
These last days, like never in my life before, I've really recognized what a gift each day is. I've purposed to be more patient. I've stopped to watch, really watch, my daughter when she grabs my iPod, turns the music on and tells me to watch her dance. I've put down the phone and watched my son at football practice...being really present instead of just being there. I've listened to them talk. I've answered the off-the-wall questions that randomly pop up with thankfulness that my kids still come to me with the questions. I've said I love you a little more. This life is so short. It's so unpredictable. It has no guarantees. Tomorrow isn't promised to us. This life is a gift. Every day is gift. "Teach us to realize how short our lives are. Then our hearts will become wise." Psalm 90:12


Anonymous said...

As it happens, my brothers and I lost one of our cousins to an auto accident this past week. She was only 16, and we'll miss her terribly. Your words offer comfort and ring true. Thanks Beth. :-)

-- Anthony

Unknown said...

You're welcome Anthony. So many things that don't make sense. If it weren't for God, there would be no peace in all of it.