Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Heart, God's Desire

You know those moments when your heart's desire lines up perfectly with God's plan? That moment when God's desire is to fulfill your heart? I'm there right now.

In March of last year, I began to feel a longing like I never had before to be home. To be a wife, a mom. And not just home more. HOME. I wrestled with this for a short time...not because I didn't want to be home, but because I knew this would mean walking away from a job that I loved. But after a short time, I told my husband what God was stirring in me. After praying together, we both felt that God was calling me "home".

There were still a lot of unknowns. But with still more questions than answers, I went to my boss, my Pastor and told him of my heart's desire to be home. We worked out an agreement to reduce my days in the office to get us started. And I agreed to stick around until my replacement could be found.

Fast forward to September. I have a few blogs that I follow closely and rarely miss a post. One of those is Michael Hyatt's blog. He posted about the benefits of a virtual assistant and gave the name of the firm that he used to hire his virtual assistant. Because of several circumstances (that I confidently look back on now and know it was God's timing at work), I was still working my reduced schedule at the church. I also had not come across anything that was a fit for this new direction we felt God was taking our lives. Until this blog post. Michael Hyatt praised eaHELP and the assistant they provided him. I looked them up and sent my resume in. For the first time, I was excited about the potential to have the best of both worlds - be home for my family and supplement our income.

Fast November. My first interview with eaHELP. I was cautiously optimistic. This blog post could have opened the door to exactly what my heart wanted. But I was still at the church. My commitment was to stay until I had time to train my replacement.

By the end of November my replacement had been found. And I was moving forward in the interview process with eaHELP. And just like God does, my final day at the church was just 4 days before my first day with my client through eaHELP. I actually sat and cried at how faithful God is to grant us the desires of our heart. Those desires that He places in us. And if we'll walk with Him in faith, those desires that He lovingly grants.

In this second week of working for this Nashville entrepreneur, the impact of this blessing has fully hit me. This week, my sweet girl has be sick. I mean really sick. And I've been home with her. Home. And I've not missed work.

My heart's desire was to be home with my family. And supplement our income. And that's exactly where God has placed me. He's placed me smack in the middle of my heart's desire.

Do you have a heart's desire that you long to have fulfilled? Be patient. Wait on God. He wants to give it to you. It probably won't come in your timeframe. Or the way you expect it to arrive. But He wants you to have it. And when He grants it, there will be no doubt that it was Him.


Bryan Miles said...

Beth - we are GRATEFUL you are on the eaHELP Team! Great post! Glad God gets to use us ... to help you & your family! That does my heart good.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Bryan! You guys have done a good thing here!