Monday, May 16, 2011

A Different Perspective

How do things look from where you are? Overwhelming? Sad? A little scary maybe? Or better than they've looked in a long time? Like you're on top of the world.

Things look different depending on where we are when we see them.  As we walk through "the valley of the shadow of death" things look so dark and so bleak.  All we can see sometimes is the darkness that seemingly consumes us.  It weighs on us so heavily.  All we can see is the pain, the heartache, the grief.

As we continue to walk through the valley, God in His infinite grace and mercy pulls us through.  He guides our steps, makes our paths straight, and we emerge from that dark place.  With a new perspective.

It seems that every time we experience the valley, emerging from it brings fresh perspective to things in life.  A greater appreciation for what we have.  A greater respect for what we've lost.  A greater knowledge of the Word.  A deeper intimacy with our lovingly gracious Abba Father.  A sense of victory knowing that what the enemy intended for evil, God has a plan for.  And a peace to know that next time we face the valley, that the One who brought us through before will faithfully bring us through again.

God as we face the valleys in life, help us to remember your faithfulness through past valleys.  As we face pain, discouragement, grief, loss, confusion, please allow us to recall the victories that you've given us.  Allow us to feel your everlasting arms comforting and carrying us through the valleys.  And bring us again to the new perspective that allows us see our lives a little more as you see them.

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