Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Be Still, It's War

Have you ever really read the story of the Rea Sea? There's some great stuff there that gets overlooked because of the miracle of the Red Sea parting.  Yes, that's amazing, crazy, unbelievable.  But I think that story in Exodus chapter 14 has so much more to teach us!

The Israelites had escaped Egypt.  God was leading them through the wilderness.  Then He took Moses aside and told him to turn the people around, go back a bit, and make camp.  But here's the kicker.  God tells Moses that he will cause Pharaoh's heart to become stubborn and cause Pharaoh to change his mind about letting the Israelites go.  And He will cause Pharaoh to gather the army to chase after the Israelites in attempt to bring them back to captivity.  But then God tells Moses that He'll use the impending army attack for His glory.

Here's the thing.  Only Moses got that word.  The Israelites didn't.  So when they saw Pharaoh's army closing in and nothing but ocean in front of them they panicked.  Kind of like we do when we feel life closing in on us.  We've taken steps of faith that appear to be leading no where.  Our health has come under attack.  Our finances have come under attack.  Our relationships have come under attack.  But we know we're right where God led us to.  We're right where God has called us to be.

As the Israelites panicked, Moses looked at them and said, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." This had to seem CRAZY to the Israelites as they saw the Egyptian army closing in, but reluctantly they obeyed.  And God fought the battle.  He parted the Red Sea, delivered them and destroyed the Egyptian army.  And used the victory for His glory.  Just like He promised.

As you sit in that wilderness that God is leading you through and see you see the enemy's army (in whatever form that is for you) closing in, remember that God led you to this place.  He may have even caused this seemingly imminent attack.  At the very least, He's allowed it to happen.  But God knows what you don't.  He knows that soon your Red Sea will be parted and the attack that was meant to destroy you will bring Him glory and build your faith immeasurably.  Know that God has a plan.  Know that God has a path.  Know that God know what you need to walk down that path.  And know that when attack closes in, all you have to do is be still.  God will fight the battle for you.

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