Thursday, January 12, 2012

Captured by the Unimportant

Have you ever looked at your to-do list or your calendar and thought about penciling in time to eat? Or breathe? You realize you're so busy, that the things that should happen without a place on the calendar are the things that are falling by the wayside.  Yes, there are a lot of seemingly important things on that piece of paper or smart phone that need to be done, but what about what's really important?

We make a list of what we need to accomplish at work, at the grocery store, the errands that need to be run, the plan for that party.  We run non-stop and keep ourselves busy, all the while captured by the unimportant.  All the while neglecting the things that matter the most.  What list did we put our spouse on? What list did our kids make? What list did our quiet time & Bible time make it to?

I think it becomes so easy to get wrapped up in the "to-do's" because there's nothing wrong with them.  A lot of them are even necessary.  But we get so wrapped up in the to-do's that before we know it another day has passed and we've missed another chance to connect with our kids, connect with our spouse.  Another day has passed without time in the Word.  We've let the things that have little to no long term significance push the things, the people that matter most to the bottom of our list of priorities.  We're so captivated by the unimportant that we don't even realize how the important is slipping away.

What's the unimportant that's captured you? What really important things have slipped too low on your list of priorities? Put the to-do list down and pick up that devotional.  Put the smart phone away and find out what the best part of the day was for your spouse and your kids.  Become captured by what's truly important!

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