Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Moving Forward Staying Still

I want to see my big picture in life fulfilled.  I want to get to the end result.  So much so, that I can forget to focus on the here and now - the path it takes to get to the end result.  I can get so eager, so restless to see my purpose fulfilled that I don't see the steps right in front of me.

As I've prayed this year, pursuing my purpose, God showed me something.  There's a path that I have to take to see my purpose fulfilled.  There are steps that I have to take and places I need to grow.  There's responsibilities that I have to meet now so that I'm ready then.  I've focused so much on the end that I've forgotten about the now.

I've felt God's voice so clearly showing me that there's a plan for now, just like there's a plan for the end result, too.  A plan that can't be fulfilled in the long-term until the plan for now is fulfilled.  I've been so consumed with moving forward that I've missed what's right in front of me.

As I've come to not only hear what God was speaking to me, but listen to it, I've come to realize that the only way to move forward is to stay still...for now.  Stay still and grow.  Stay still and learn.  Stay still and connect.  And as I stay still and fulfill today's purpose, I'll move forward to my life's purpose.

God, give me focus on what you've placed in front of me now.  Give me the courage to stay still.  Help me to grow where you've placed me so that I can see my big picture fulfilled.