Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Communion has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.  First Sunday of every month, communion is served.  It's always a special time.  An honoring time.  A remembering time.  But for the first time, on the first Sunday of this month, there was something new.

We always remember the broken body of Jesus.  We always remember his spilled blood.  And we always remember the symbol of our sin nailed to the cross.  Just that is overwhelming, humbling.  But this time, God spoke something else to my heart.

When Jesus went to that cross that day over 2,000 years ago, it wasn't just my sin nailed there that day.  The hurts that I would face, the disappointments in my life, my failures, my struggles, my lost dreams...they were all nailed there that day, too.  Every single hurdle, obstacle, brick wall and closed door went to that cross with my sin.  Jesus didn't only carry the weight of my sin, he carried the weight of my life.  And yours.

Jesus didn't only pay the price for my sin, he paid the price so that I could walk in victory, in freedom.  He suffered not just so you and I could spend eternity in heaven, but so that we could live a life full of victory, freedom and success in life.  We aren't just free from sin, we're free from the bondage of addiction, failure, discouragement, insecurity.  Those things were all nailed to the cross.

Communion has been part of my life for as long as I can remember.  But now I won't just remember my sin nailed to the cross, I'll remember the weight of all of the things I have carried or will carry nailed there as well.  And leave it there.

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