Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's the Little Things

Do you ever sit in awe of the ways God chooses to bless you? Today I was reminded of God’s blessing, yet again!  And that caused me to reflect on similar blessings we’ve seen over just the last few months!
After a year living in our house, we finally got our loft/office space all cleaned out & organized.  Then decided we should finally buy an office chair to go with our desk.  I ran to Staples today after church to grab a chair that I had seen on sale just a couple of weeks ago.  Got there and it was still on sale for $10 less than the list price.  Perfect!  Just what I was planning on.  But God had another plan.  I went to check out and my total didn’t seem right (I had grabbed a couple of other things, too) but the cashier assured me it was.  After I got to the car, I pulled out my receipt to see why the total was so much less than I expected.  Our chair, advertised as $10 off, was actually $36 off!  I know that some who read this may not see it as God’s blessing or provision, but you’ll never convince me of that.  See, for me, when God moves in those “small” things, it reminds me that the “big” things are nothing to sweat.
Just before Christmas I had another one of those unexpected blessings.  I had seen a picture at a Christian book store that I immediately was enamored with.  I checked the price and thought the $150 being asked for it was reasonable, but didn’t buy it then.  We still had Christmas shopping to do!  I figured I’d see if I ended up with any Christmas money and then go back and buy it.  Not too long after, my father-in-law sent us all money for Christmas.  Plenty from that to go buy my picture.  Plus I had a 30% off coupon!  But I didn’t go right away.  The Saturday before Christmas I decided to brave the shopping center and finish off our Christmas shopping.  My first stop? The Christian book store!  I went in, asked the salesman to get my very large picture off the wall and went to pay.  When I got to the register, and got my total I was shocked.  For that one day only my picture was 50% off.  Plus I still got to take my 30% off of that!  Just another “small” thing that shows me again that God is taking care of us.
Those are just 2 examples of things the last few months.  We’ve had prescription discounts that we didn’t even ask for, doctors decide not to bill us, gifts that were totally unexpected…the list goes on.  I know these blessings seem to all be financial, but it goes deeper than that.  It’s a reminder that God is in control.  It’s a reminder that God doesn’t just concern himself with our “necessities” but also cares about the desires of our hearts.  It’s a reminder that God meets us where we are.  It’s a reminder that God provides in the most creative of ways and a lot of times not in ways we expect. It’s a reminder to, as the beautiful picture that now hangs above my couch says, “Be still and know that I am God”

God wants to bless us in every area of our life.  "What's the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do.  He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail-even numbering the hairs on your head." Matthew 10:29-30 (MSG)

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