Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kick Off!

Well, I did it.  I stuck to the decision I made a few weeks ago to start blogging after the first of the year.  And I even started it on the 1st!  Not bad!
I’m starting this with a wrap up of our holiday season.  Our Christmas couldn’t have been more perfect.  Over the course of a couple of weekends we were able to be with our entire family and celebrate.  Lots of smiles, laughter, pictures and presents!  But my highlight of Christmas didn’t come wrapped in a box with a big bow or stuffed in a Christmas “sock” (as Addi calls them) or inside of a card.
The highlight of my Christmas was Christmas Eve.  We had a beautiful candlelight communion service at church with incredible music.  As I sat and watched my husband sing with and sing lead with our worship team, I was moved and reminded of how blessed I am to be married to a man who loves God so much.  And leads our family in that love.  Then, as our worship team led us in David Crowder’s “How He Loves Us”, I looked to my left to see my precious 8 year old Payne singing with both hands raised high.  The sight immediately brought me to tears and my heart was overwhelmed with joy.  To me, there’s no greater gift than seeing my family worship.  My heart is truly full!
Our Christmas day was fabulously lazy!  We woke up, opened presents then I cooked breakfast for everyone while the kids tried out all of the new toys!  A little rest, then we spent the evening with the most amazing group of cousins ever!  And found out we’ll have one more cousin to add to our family next Christmas!
Our day after involved a wonderful church service and pajamas in pre-school!  Then a trip downtown.  My first friend, Stacia Fewox (we’re only 3 months apart in age and have been friends our entire lives) was in town for a few short days visiting family, so we made the trip downtown to see her.  We had such a blessed time!  Introduced Stacia to Chad & the kids, enjoyed some Starbucks (I’m sure you’ll find Starbucks as a common theme in these posts) and got to catch up!  For Payne, the highlight was that Stacia was staying at the same hotel as the OSU football team.  After getting a few autographs over the course of 45 minutes or so, Payne met a coach who set him up!  As the rest of the team made their way to the lobby each player gave Payne an autograph.  He was on cloud 9!
Then, to top that all off, we were blessed with two tickets to the Alamo Bowl where Payne & Chad were able to go watch OSU!  
We rang in the new year quietly.  Both kids in bed by 9:00, us in bed around 11 and struggling to stay awake until midnight.  We made it, by the way!
So, now that I’ve officially started posting, I’m hoping I keep up with it.  I hope that our daily lives will make you laugh, give you hope and inspire you in some way. Until tomorrow (I hope) happy 2011!

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