Sunday, January 8, 2012

One Word

I've never been a New Year's Resolution person.  I've never really seen the point.  If there's something you should change or stop or fix or do better, why wait for January 1? Why not just do something about it as soon a you recognize it?

This year things are just a little different.  I'm not making resolutions, but I am being intentional about one word.  One word.  It's something I heard on the radio.  A pastor at a church in Georgia challenged his church to not make resolutions, but choose one word.  And be intentional about that one word throughout the year.

My one word for this year? Pursue.  Pursue, verb: to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.).

This year I will be intentional to PURSUE the things important to me.  I will PURSUE the people and things that hold my heart.

This year I will PURSUE my family.  I will actively seek to gain precious memories with my family.  I will PURSUE them by being the wife and the mom that God calls me to be.  I will PURSUE them by helping them see the desires of their hearts become realities this year.  I will PURSUE them by being present in our lives.  Not just here, but present.

This year I will PURSUE God's path for me to fulfill my purpose.  I will PURSUE the promise that He made, "I know the plans I have for you..."  I believe that God has given me the beginnings of a vision or plan for my life.  I will PURSUE the glimpses until the full picture is known.  And I will PURSUE the courage it will take to step into the unknown.

This year I will PURSUE my Father like never before.  I will strive to gain a greater knowing of Him in my life, my marriage, my family.  I will PURSUE His voice every day, so that even in the midst of chaos, I know His voice.  I will PURSUE knowledge and growth from His Word, not just read it as a daily obligation.

As the year moves on, I'm sure there are other things that my heart will PURSUE.  But these three pursuits will be my focus this year.  Do you have a plan? A resolution? A word? Before the year gets too far gone, I'd like to challenge you to DO something.  Maybe for you it is a resolution or two.  Maybe it's putting feet to a plan.  Maybe it's choosing one word to be intentional about in your life this year.  Whatever it is, DO IT!  God has a plan for you.  God has a focus for you, not just for this year, but for your life.

"I know what I'm doing.  I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

Geo Schmitt said...

"When you know who you are, you know what to do." Or in this case, pursue! Good read Miss Beth!